DuraPlan shower trays feature simple and timelessly modern design. The flat form permits a flush and aligned fitting with tiled surfaces. There are fourteen models in sizes ranging from 800x800 mm to 1600x900 mm.
The convenient walk-in shower fits perfectly into the architecture of modern bathrooms and is also ideal for barrier-free interiors. All DuraPlan shower trays are also available with an “Antislip” transparent coating as an option.
Simple step-by-step installation
In old buildings the screed and tile floor height is sometimes only 50 mm. Yet DuraPlan can be installed without problem even here. It is fitted step by step: first the plumber fits a frame to mark off the area for the shower tray. Then a hole is drilled with the aid of a template (supplied). After the opening for the waste pipe has been cut, the lower section of the drain system is fitted and the waste pipe connected. The drain system itself is completely sealed for added safety. The tiler then seals the entire shower tray area and lays the tiles. Finally the plumber aligns the base frame, fixes the upper section of the drain system and fits the shower tray. Because this work is carried out during final assembly, the tray remains clean and undamaged and can also be easily replaced, even years later.
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