A different kind of country living: Haus Kohlmeier in Egglham/ Amsham (Germany) is an energy-efficient family house that blends harmoniously into its surroundings and yet also represents an architectural highlight. Three listed farmhouses, some of the oldest buildings in the small town in Lower Bavaria, provided the basis for the new building. In keeping with the archaic buildings, architect Stefan Kohlmeier (Arc Architekten Partnerschaft based in Bad Birnbach) embraced the traditional timber construction method: using wood, clay and bricks, Kohlmeier retained the original building structure but reinterpreted the form, making it more modern and dynamic. The main building and outbuilding are linked with a covered walkway, which creates a classical, courtyard-like exterior area. Thanks to the wooden structure of the outer façade and roof, the house has optimum thermal insulation properties. The central wood burner with buffer accumulator distributes its heat throughout the building, solar energy heats the water and a ventilation system with heat recovery transports fresh air into the living area. The construction is one of contrasts: thin steel supports carry the roof, whilst a solid rammed earth wall creates an interesting contrast in the open living room. The rooms all differ, are open and light, offer views both through the structure and onto the surrounding area or, as buried places of retreat in the basement, convey a sense of peace and security. The light bathrooms are relaxing: Vero and Architec washbasins, as well as a Darling New bath and toilet, are perfectly at home amidst warm wooden walls and natural stone tiles.
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